I got so excited yesterday when I pulled into the driveway and there was a box on the porch, because I knew it was from Snapfish!
When it comes to taking pictures I am the shutterbug in our family. The grand babies come over and I have the camera on ready. I keep a small digital camera in my purse and a spare battery charged. You never know when that moment will happen and sometimes it gets captured! Also, photography is relaxing.
So back to my treasure...the box...on the porch. Yes, it had 400 pictures from the past 3 months inside. Not every order is 400 but the past few months have been so jammed packed of great memories. We went to Canyon De Chelly and the Grand Canyon. When we returned we had fishing trips, anniversary party, 4th of July, and then our son graduated from college! YEAH!! (feel free to clap!) Our summer and celebration continued at the beach with three generations enjoying as much time together we could manage.
So today I will sort pictures. Sorting not only by event but also by date.
I am a chronological scrapbooker. I feel like I have just told you alot about myself, but for my brain to function properly it has to be in an order and time is my order. My fellow Scrapping Sisters understand.
So the query question today...
"What order/direction do you scrap?"
I do it chronologically too. However I have some ideas to try some new things. I am doing one on my grandmother's house room by room. I want to try an ABC album of just things I want to scrap.